A wound is a break in the continuity of skin tissue or mucous membranes. The type, extent and depth of the wound depends on factors such as the type, force and location of the injury.
moreA wound is a break in the continuity of skin tissue or mucous membranes. The type, extent and depth of the wound depends on factors such as the type, force and location of the injury.
moreSensitive skin belongs to reactive skin types hypersensitive to a number of stimuli, both external and internal. A significant influence in the appearance of irritation has an improper diet (eating intense spices, smoking, drinking alcohol), sudden changes in temperature, the use of inappropriate cosmetics (improper care, neglect of hygiene) or plain water.
moreA wound is a break in the anatomical continuity of tissues or their damage under the influence of a damaging factor, which can be mechanical injury, thermal injury (burns, frostbite), chemical injury (caustic chemicals) and radiant energy.
moreA wound is a break in the anatomical continuity of tissues or their damage under the action of a damaging factor. The most important damaging factors include mechanical, thermal, chemical injury and radiant energy.
moreA cut is a break in the continuity of skin tissue and the appearance of bleeding. The most important for proper acceleration of the healing process is its proper cleaning and protection, so as not to lead to infection of the resulting wound. Pay attention to the general condition of the injured person, alarming symptoms are paleness, circulatory or respiratory disorders.
moreA skin burn is tissue damage caused by excessive heat. They occur as a result of a thermal agent acting on the skin such as boiling water, chemicals, electricity, lightning or sunlight. The temperature of the irritant and the exposure time are important factors in determining the severity of the burn.
moreAssessing your own safety is the most important point when giving first aid. When becoming a first aider, we need to make sure that we are not in danger, otherwise we will not be able to help anyone. In order to properly protect yourself, you need to consider personal protective equipment such as gloves, a mask, and a mask for artificial respiration.
moreOne of the most important functions of the skin is to protect the body from external factors and protect internal organs from mechanical damage.
moreWhen we talk about various types of dressings, we always take into account many features that characterize a given dressing.