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A cut is a break in the continuity of skin tissue and the appearance of bleeding. The most important for proper acceleration of the healing process is its proper cleaning and protection, so as not to lead to infection of the resulting wound. Pay attention to the general condition of the injured person, alarming symptoms are paleness, circulatory or respiratory disorders.


When giving first aid, focus on: 

  • stopping the bleeding 
  • disinfecting and applying appropriate dressing to fully protect the wound from infection  
  • immobilize the wound on the upper and/or lower limb 
  • if necessary call an ambulance and/or consult an appropriate specialist  

The best way to disinfect the wound is to use an appropriate disinfectant, but remember to clean the wound under clean running water. You can also use a non-active substance such as saline under a certain pressure, for example by pouring it into the wound from a syringe. Do not use preparations containing alcohol, e.g. spirit or iodine, because they may lead to greater irritation, tissue damage and increased pain and burning.

In addition, they lead to drying of the wound by forming a scab, which delays the regeneration of the epidermis. If the wound does not stop bleeding, gently apply pressure with a clean gauze pad, lift the injured limb higher and consult a doctor, because it may lead to the placement of surgical stitches.  Please note that the presence of glass, metal or wood in the wound is associated with a high risk of infection. Under no circumstances should you remove the foreign body from the wound yourself. It is necessary to visit a doctor who will professionally remove the material from the wound and properly protect it. If the wound is contaminated with earth, gravel or sand, it may be necessary to administer tetanus anatoxin. Dressings should be changed every 2-3 days or when wet or unclean. Therefore, it is important to properly manage even the smallest injury.

Last update: 3/25/2021